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Eric Hebert – Tech & Media Specialist

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About Me

With two decades of hands-on experience in the dynamic world of digital technology, I’ve carved a niche for myself as a seasoned professional, effortlessly navigating the realms of freelancing, business ownership, and the structured environments of large corporations. My journey began at the intersection of passion and curiosity, and it has since evolved into a saga of mastery over a myriad of technical disciplines and tools.

Starting with Website Development, I delved deep into creating digital solutions that were not just functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and user-centric. Utilizing platforms like WordPress and Squarespace, I ensured that every website I crafted was a blend of creativity and technical precision. My commitment to Website Accessibility has always been paramount, ensuring that digital platforms are inclusive and accessible to all, adhering to global standards.

In tandem with web development, my prowess in SEO and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) became evident. Platforms like Ahrefs and SEMRush became my trusty allies in the pursuit of digital visibility. My dedication to this art form ensured that the websites I developed or consulted on didn’t just exist — they thrived, capturing relevant audiences and driving conversions.

Data Analytics provided the backbone for my strategies. With tools like Google Analytics, I transformed raw data into actionable insights, guiding businesses towards informed decision-making. My understanding of Digital Branding meant that every digital touchpoint, from a website’s color scheme to its content tone, echoed a brand’s unique story.

Speaking of content, my journey in Content Development was holistic. Whether it was engaging blog posts, insightful videos, or compelling social media narratives, I ensured that content was not just plentiful, but purposeful. Paired with effective Email Marketing campaigns, I’ve harnessed the power of direct communication to foster brand loyalty and drive engagement.

Having worked extensively with Social Media Advertising, platforms like Facebook Ads and LinkedIn became instrumental in shaping digital narratives, ensuring that brands connected deeply with their target demographics. As a true testament to my forward-thinking approach, I’ve also explored and implemented AI-driven solutions like ChatGPT, ensuring that digital interactions are efficient, effective, and always on the cutting edge.

But beyond the tech stacks and disciplines, my journey is about people. Whether I was wearing the hat of a freelancer, steering the ship of my own enterprise, or being part of a larger corporate machinery, I’ve always believed in fostering relationships, understanding client needs, and delivering unparalleled value.

As we navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, I remain committed to leveraging my expertise, staying abreast of the latest trends, and delivering results that resonate. Let’s embark on a digital journey together, where your vision meets my expertise, and together we craft success stories.

Here Is Just a Sneak Peak Of My “Tech Stack” Experience:


WordPress, a versatile content management system, has stood the test of time. Since its inception in 2003, it has evolved from a simple blogging tool to a comprehensive platform supporting all types of websites, from portfolios to e-commerce sites.

What distinguishes WordPress from many of its counterparts is its user-friendly interface combined with its powerful capabilities. With its extensive plugin ecosystem, one can extend the functionality to meet unique needs, ensuring scalability and flexibility. Themes, both free and premium, provide aesthetically pleasing and responsive designs.

Its open-source nature promotes community collaboration, leading to regular updates, patches, and a robust support network. SEO-friendly features, combined with the Yoast SEO plugin, can dramatically optimize web visibility. As a seasoned WordPress user, harnessing its power can lead to impressive results.


In the realm of domain registration and web hosting, GoDaddy emerges as a titan. Recognized globally, it offers a myriad of services from purchasing domain names, providing web hosting solutions, to website builders and more. Their intuitive interface makes domain management a breeze, and their competitive pricing strategy appeals to businesses of all scales.

Furthermore, their commitment to uptime and round-the-clock customer support ensures that websites stay live and functional. SSL certificates, website security, email, and marketing tools further enhance their suite of offerings. Using GoDaddy ensures a foundational stability for online endeavors.


Slack has redefined workplace communication. This platform’s genius lies in its simplicity, paired with a deep set of functionalities that make team collaboration seamless. Channels provide organized spaces for project discussions, while direct messaging facilitates one-on-one conversations. Integration capabilities with numerous third-party applications mean that work is centralized, making multitasking a breeze.

Its rich set of APIs means it can be tailored to fit bespoke needs, ensuring adaptability in various environments. Slack’s notification system ensures that teams remain in sync, fostering productivity and reducing redundancies.

Google Analytics

Navigating the digital realm without insights is like sailing without a compass. Google Analytics, a free web analytics service, offers invaluable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics. It provides granular data on audience demographics, sources of traffic, page views, and more. Custom reports, real-time data, and goal-setting features allow for nuanced strategies, optimizing digital presence. As a digital strategist, leveraging Google Analytics is paramount to driving informed decisions.


Ahrefs is more than just a backlink checker; it’s a comprehensive SEO toolset. With its vast web crawler, second only to Google, Ahrefs offers insights into the competitive landscape of SEO. From tracking keyword rankings, analyzing backlinks, monitoring brand mentions to conducting in-depth content research, its capabilities are vast. Its intuitive interface combined with rich visuals makes data interpretation straightforward. For anyone serious about SEO, Ahrefs is an indispensable tool.


SEMRush, a powerhouse in digital marketing, offers a suite of tools to enhance online visibility. From SEO and paid traffic to social media and content & PR, its range is extensive. Detailed analytics, competitive insights, and keyword research capabilities offer a 360-degree view of digital strategy. It’s not just about data; SEMRush provides actionable insights, aiding in crafting a winning strategy. It’s a go-to tool for anyone looking to gain a competitive edge in the digital space.


SquareSpace is the epitome of elegance in website building. Known for its stunning, responsive designs, it provides creatives and businesses with a platform to craft visually appealing websites without delving into code. Its drag-and-drop interface ensures ease of use, while its robust backend ensures performance. Integrated e-commerce solutions, blogging tools, and SEO capabilities make it a holistic platform for a strong online presence.


LinkedIn, the premier professional network, transcends beyond job hunting. It’s a platform for establishing industry connections, sharing expertise, and staying informed on industry trends. With its unique audience targeting capabilities, LinkedIn Ads offer unparalleled opportunities for B2B marketing. For professionals and businesses alike, LinkedIn is a platform for growth, learning, and networking.

Facebook Ads

Digital advertising’s landscape is vast, but Facebook Ads stands out due to its unparalleled reach and precise targeting capabilities. From demographic data to user interests and behaviors, advertisers can create hyper-targeted campaigns to reach their ideal audience. With a range of ad formats, from carousel ads to stories, the possibilities are vast. Real-time data analytics ensure campaigns can be optimized on-the-go, driving ROI.


ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, represents a leap in conversational AI. Beyond its ability to generate human-like text, it’s the nuances, context-awareness, and adaptability that sets it apart. From customer support to content generation, its applications are vast. As digital interactions become central, leveraging technologies like ChatGPT ensures efficiency and enhanced user experiences.

I Have Experience In the Following Tech/Media Areas of Discipline:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the digital art and science of enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines. This organic approach focuses on understanding search algorithms and user behaviors to optimize web content, structure, and backend elements. Ranking higher on search results translates to greater visibility, increased traffic, and potential conversion. From keyword research to on-page optimization and link-building strategies, SEO is a multifaceted discipline that requires continuous learning and adaptation, especially with ever-evolving search algorithms. It’s not just about getting eyes on a page but ensuring that the traffic is relevant and valuable.

Website Development

Website development is the backbone of the digital world. It involves the creation, design, and maintenance of websites. This discipline ranges from simple static web pages to complex dynamic websites with intricate functionalities. It’s a blend of creativity and technical expertise, where developers bring designs to life using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and technologies like CMS and frameworks. A well-developed site ensures seamless user interactions, functionality, and performance.

Data Analytics

In the era of information, data analytics stands as a pillar for informed decision-making. It involves examining raw data to draw actionable insights. With the proliferation of digital touchpoints, businesses are inundated with data. The challenge lies in sifting through this data, identifying patterns, understanding user behaviors, and predicting future trends. Tools like Google Analytics, Tableau, and Power BI aid analysts in transforming data into visual stories. Effective data analytics drives strategy, optimization, and innovation.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is the realm of digital marketing that focuses on promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages, primarily through paid advertising. It’s a balance of art and science, where marketers bid on keywords to place their ads in front of a targeted audience. Platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads are central to SEM. The success hinges on keyword research, ad copywriting, and continuous campaign optimization. It offers immediate visibility, measurable results, and granular targeting.

Social Media Advertising

Social media has transformed from mere platforms of connection to powerful advertising channels. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer businesses the chance to place their brand in front of specific demographics. It’s about crafting compelling narratives, selecting the right ad format, and optimizing for engagement. Real-time feedback and analytics allow for agile campaign adjustments. In the age of digital communities, social media advertising offers unparalleled engagement opportunities.

Digital Branding

Digital branding transcends logos and taglines. It’s about crafting an online identity, a digital persona that resonates with audiences. From website design, social media presence, to online communications, every touchpoint should echo a cohesive brand story. In an overcrowded digital space, a strong brand stands out, builds trust, and drives loyalty. It’s about creating memorable experiences, fostering connections, and ensuring consistency across all digital platforms.

Content Development

Content is the currency of the digital realm. Content development revolves around creating, curating, and optimizing information for online audiences. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, infographics, or podcasts, content should be relevant, valuable, and engaging. It’s not about quantity but quality. Well-crafted content positions brands as thought leaders, drives organic traffic, and fosters engagement. In the age of information overload, meaningful content cuts through the noise.

User Experience (UX)

UX is the heartbeat of digital interactions. It revolves around understanding and optimizing the overall experience of users when they interact with a product or service. From website navigation, layout design, to micro-interactions, every element should be intuitive, seamless, and delightful. It’s about empathizing with users, anticipating their needs, and designing solutions. A stellar UX ensures user satisfaction, loyalty, and can be the differentiator in the competitive digital landscape.

Website Accessibility

Website accessibility ensures that digital platforms are usable by all, irrespective of their abilities. It’s about designing and developing websites that cater to users with disabilities, be it visual, auditory, cognitive, or motor impairments. Adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) ensures inclusivity. Beyond ethical considerations, accessibility enhances SEO, broadens audience reach, and reduces legal risks.

Email Marketing

Email marketing, one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, remains potent in the age of social media. It’s a direct channel of communication with audiences, offering personalized content, offers, and updates. From crafting compelling subject lines to designing responsive email templates and segmenting subscriber lists, the success of email marketing hinges on relevance and engagement. It offers high ROI, measurable metrics, and fosters brand loyalty.